My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Tea Obreht writes a very strange story. I started this book months ago and put it down as I couldn't get involved. However, in light of the fact I had nothing to read, and that it was lent to me, and I really need to return it, thought I'd give it another go. If you don't like stories within stories, you may not like this book. In some ways, it reminds me of "Life of Pi", which was also very strange (in my opinion).
This story reads like a dream to me. You know how you can have dreams and they can seem so real, but are yet surreal, and seem so fantastic, and don't always make a lot of sense? That's what this book feels like to me. As I moved forward in the story I became more intrigued about the title and the story within the story. I don't feel like I have a complete understanding of the end, but, like a strange dream that sticks with you, the story is sticking with me. I want to come to terms with it. For this reason, it seems like a good book club pick to me--perhaps if I can talk about it with another reader or group,it will become clearer.
This is a rather nebulous review, so I'll just close with the fact that once again I am reminded of my naivety and innocence as far as my place in this world. What fortunate people we are to live in a country in which we don't live in the chaos and uncertainty of a war torn nation or to come to grips with the facts that the boundaries of our homelands can change as a result of wars and/or treaties. Although our men and women serve, we, in America, have relative security and peace. We can choose not to get involved in the difficulties of getting medicine, food, water even, because we have been blessed to be born here.
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