Wow. The last 2 nights I've had dreams about Sarah Palin, the new VP choice for John McCain. I'm not sure why. I do feel a little worried about her family. I mean, really, they are from small town Alaska, and now their mom is the VP nominee. Do they know how totally their lives are going to change? Can a move to Washington DC ruin a family, or strengthen it?
She totally intrigues me. She has FIVE kids, the youngest with Downs Syndrome. Her husband is just a normal guy who works for $47,000 a year. Her degree is in journalism for pete's sake! A total surprise pick. I just have to wonder about her . . . what is God doing with her life? How is He using this circumstance, this event, to shape her, and perhaps, America?
What I have seen of her so far shows a woman who is comfortable in the spotlight, seems sure of her convictions, and speaks with polish and ease. I'll be curious to hear her speech tomorrow and to see how people will react to the campaign. Anything could happen - this is America, the land of mavericks, and, we always do love the underdog!
1 comment:
Well, I haven't had any dreams about Sarah Palin, but I did find an interesting site on Cindy Palin
(, a Christian and Canadian songwriter who remarkably looks A LOT like Sarah Palin.
I am an Obama Mama, but will be interested in hearing what she has to say.
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