My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I was intrigued to read this book because of the teaser: "Sara Miles, raised an atheist, wandered into a church, received communion, and found herself transformed--embracing a faith she'd once scorned". Coincidentally, I had just heard a sermon about how the Table is for everyone (see November post). Also, about 6 months ago, I incorporated John 6:57 into my daily prayers: "Just as the living Father sent me and I live by [through, because of:] the Father, even so whoever continues to feed on me [whoever takes me for His food and is nourished by me:] shall [in his turn:] live through and because of me." Amplified Bible. So . . . I was very interested to read this story of a woman who was transformed and nourished, even when she didn't know one thing about what coming to the table meant.
This book will be challenging for you if you have pre-conceived notions about the gay community, bad language, and sexual promiscuity--in other words, if you were brought up in traditional church in West Michigan. Sara Miles is very open about her sexual relationships and her life as an openly gay woman. However, she is also a woman who loves God, and falls deeper and deeper into love with him. She asks good questions of herself, and of us. It reminded me a little bit of an out of print book I read years ago: "What Happens if I Say Damn You God" by Charles Victor Arokiasamy. God is able to handle and answer so many more of our questions than we give Him credit for. But, to get back to Sara's story - she took her experience and made something real and good out of it. She took that nourishment and challenged herself and others to extend nourishment to others in real food for real people in real struggles. She accepts people for who they are, builds relationships with them, and spreads God's love to them. This is what we are called to do, and, for me, this book was a powerful reminder of that.
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1 comment:
I love that you're willing to read stuff that challenges you. Nery and I were just talking about you today. We agreed that you are very smart :-)
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