Matthew 6:6
But when you pray, go into your [most] private room, and, closing the door, pray to your Father, Who is in secret; and your Father, Who sees in secret, will reward you in the open.
I haven't been much of a contemplative lately, no time and no peace! Tonight, though, is a quiet night; Ron is out golfing, the weather is beautiful, so, after a walk to the beach I was able to find some quiet time with God. I need it! Life is swirling around me and a little peace and quiet with God is critical.
The homily in Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God for today was on Centering Prayer, and finding a sacred word to bring your wandering thoughts back into communion with God. It was suggested that you ask God for a sacred word, so I did. I thought He must be mistaken after I received it, but turns out it is a perfect word for me. I can't tell you what it is though, it is a secret between me and Him. It's also suggested that you find a quiet place to just sit and commune with God. Easy to do tonight as I'm home alone. The only problem was, that I really had to chant that sacred word because my mind is racing to and fro and cannot settle in to just being quiet with God. What good is a quiet room without a quiet mind? I hope with practice and a continued desire to know God more I can learn the art of centering prayer.
Isn't the scripture for today great though? I never noticed before that "the Father, who sees in secret, will reward you in the open". An encouragement for life's journey. He sees the secret bad things too, but these He can turn to good when we let Him! It's the letting Him change me part that's hard. Turning my independence into dependence on Him will certainly require years of prayer, centering or not!