My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I ran across this book in my favorite place to prowl in the library - the advance review section. I checked it out on Goodreads when I got home and saw that it had an average of four stars plus, and it totally lived up to that. I was engaged in the story from beginning to end, and keep going back to re-read bits of it.
Victoria has been shuttled to numerous foster homes. She has put up a tough and defiant exterior to protect her heart from the rejection that she knows will eventually come her way. I think the author got this character exactly right. Don't you think it's true that when hearts are hurt people put up all kinds of barriers to protect themselves? Along the way though, Victoria meets two somebodies that love her, and as always, real love, can break down those crusty exteriors. It doesn't happen overnight though, it takes time. This bit is also true to life, don't you think? It's only consistent and constant love and grace that can break down those walls.
Victoria learned about the language of flowers on her journey to wholeness. I loved learning the meanings of flowers, and how they were used in communication in Victorian times, and how they could be used in the same way today. People are always looking for a little magic in their lives, and Victoria's meaningful bouquets provide just what they are looking for.
There are several bits in the story where flowers are used for conversations, and I thought that was charming, although sometimes the message of the flowers themselves were actually quite difficult.
I liked how the people Victoria met took the chance of encouraging and helping her. They also showed love where none was expected, and didn't give up on Victoria.
I can't tell you more without ruining the story--give yourself a treat and add this to your booklist.
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