My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is the first book I've read by Edith Wharton I think (it's possible I read "The Age of Innocence" but I'm not 100% certain).
This book centers around a girl, her name is Charity, who is, in fact a charity case. She was brought "down from the mountain" which, in her town, would be where all the undesireables live. Charity has a complicated relationship with her guardian, Mr. Royall. Although he is the one who brought her down from the mountain, she views him as a hard man who does not care for her. Like many young people, Charity tends to view her situations with extreme emotion - sometimes full of despair, sometimes joy. She thinks she understands situations and makes impulsive decisions which are sometimes based on what she feels is certain knowledge, but in fact is not.
Charity, like many of us in our youth, falls in love. The man she loves is more educated than she is, and she often feels her ignorance in their conversations. But, when you're young and in love you dismiss these thoughts and enjoy each moment. She sortof knows this may not work out, but has hope that it will.
I'm not sure I liked the ending of this book. It ended with a sort of equal feeling of despair and hope. It reminded me a little of Tess of d'urbervilles which I also liked yet didn't like.
Perhaps these stories are a little too real for me. Real life consists of despair, hope, and it doesn't always end the way we want it to. This book certainly displays the characters clearly, and shows both their good and their bad.
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