Sunday, July 28, 2013

An Attention Grabber

Is This TomorrowIs This Tomorrow by Caroline Leavitt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lewis and his mom, who happens to be Jewish and divorced, are ostracized in their neighborhood. I'm not so sure it's because of their Jewishness though . . . it seems to me it had more to do with Ava's curves and the way the neighborhood husbands looked at her. But I digress.

The story actually revolves around Lewis and his friends Jimmy and Rose. Jimmy and Rose also don't have a dad - he died when they were young. So these three friends hang out and love each other. They are practically inseparable until Jimmy mysteriously disappears.

The story revolves around what happens to their lives during all the tomorrows after Jimmy's disappearance. We see the perspective of Ava and Lewis, of Rose and Rose's mom Dorothy, and the neighborhood.

I reached a point in "Is This Tomorrow" where I was riveted, and stayed up much later than normal to find out what was going to happen next. There were some surprising twists and turns. I could hardly stand it when I realized I wasn't going to be able to finish the book for two more days!

What is it what grabs our attention in a story? I don't always know, but this one certainly grabbed mine.

View all my reviews

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