My rating: 5 of 5 stars
In ancient times a tiny clay lamp was sometimes fastened to the thong of a sandal so that the pool of light cast was sufficient only for a single step. The traveler took that step and found light enough for the next. So the psalmist wrote: "Thy Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light on my path."This beginning passage charmed my soul. I am always a fan of Elisabeth Elliott's writings and this book did not disappoint. I love how she points always, to God and His word. In this book she gently reminds us that it is time alone with God and His Word that will equip us to live our lives. It's so difficult in this fast paced society to slow down and just be with God. She reminds us that:
Very possibly we often miss what God wants to show us because we don't take time to pray silently and watch quietly.As I was browsing through my notes, I realize that I have practically highlighted the entire book!
The book is divided into months, and then homilies for each day of the month. I actually read it through over a period of days, rather than using it as a devotional. This book became a time of quiet and refreshment for me over my lunch time. It was a lovely way to slow myself down and recenter myself as one of God's children.
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