Friday, January 2, 2009

Here's My Take on Twilight

Sorry all you fans out there, but I thought it was just so-so. I am not compelled to go out and read the entire series, and I super-fast read through to the end so I could just get through it. Books and art (and politics too, I guess), are so interesting to me. Our likes and dislikes are so personal and varying. I can definitely see why a teen would like this book, but I have to say it puzzles me as to why adult women like it so much. In ways it is a classic tale of good vs. evil, and I have to say I find Lord of the Rings, Dark is Rising series, Dragons of Pern series(a girl is forbidden to become a music master, but in the end she does - I love girl heroines!) and Narnia heads and tails above this book. It is also a book of romance (or is it just sexual longing?) in a way, but again, there is so much literature out there that in my view is so much better. I like fantasy, but this just didn't do it for me.

I remember being so surprised when my friendLara didn't like The Thirteenth Tale (I thought it was riveting), so I imagine my friend Tonia probably feels like she can't get why folks wouldn't like Twilight. It was disappointing to me NOT to like it. I do love a good book :-)


Tonia said...

It is funny how people don't like and do like such different things, even people who have a lot in common. I wasn't too sure that you would like this book; I was surprised that Lara recommended it to you. I was also surprised that Elizabeth Didn't like it. I think it proved to me that I'm a bad predictor of what people will like!

I don't get why I do like it, so I guess it just makes sense that I don't understand why people don't like it :-)

Tonia said...

Oh yeah, and I definitely liked Lord of the Rings better, and I also enjoyed The 13th Tale, so we're the same there. But I just couldn't get into The Dark is Rising. Go figure.

Barb Terpstra said...

Have you tried the Dragons of Pern series? I'm thinking your son might like those books. I gave the first one to my adult nephew (he was maybe 18 at the time), and he really loved it and went out and bought the rest of the books. There's plenty to like in it for boys and girls. You may want to read them first though, I seem to remember the 3rd book had some sexual references in it (very oblique, to do with dragons mating and the feelings it gave to their owners), but maybe something you'd want to read first and discuss. Get back to your blog girl, I'm missing it!!!

Lara Parent Photography said...

Loved The Dark Is Rising. I like Susan Cooper's work. Could you relate to Bella? Is she a heroine in your opinion? I think the appeal of this series to me is that it is a fast read, lots of plot, but also, as you said the whole g v e thing and how slippery "evil" and "good" can really be. Nothing is B/W. To me the series is full of surprises and symbolizes the challenges of life, appearances, choices, and things we believe and assume. Just me at the moment though.

I read the first book in the LotR series years ago. Thought it was great, but intense with disturbing imagery. Need to check out Dragons of Pern.

I really think you would be awesome as a media specialist/parapro in OUR MC....hate to beat an opinion to death, but...

Barb Terpstra said...

Hmmmm. . . a media specialist would be intriguing, but doubtful I'd get hired without being degree'd first. Not sure how I'd fit that in my life.

I can and can't relate to Bella. I'm not sure I'd give up my friends and the sun for my mom (I am selfish)! However, her curiosity about Edward is something I could see in myself. I can see where the book cast her as a heroine, but I think she just wasn't very smart about her choices (harsh, I know).