Monday, February 16, 2009

Lonely Socks

Do you ever wonder where the socks go to during laundry day? I inevitably end up with a sock that is missing it's match. Thus, my son Jordan says they are lonely for their mates. Where do they go?

This is beginning to annoy me as I have about 12 lonely socks. Are the argyles running off with the solids? Are the darks running away with the lights? I'm thinking a few years down the road, I will have baby socks suddenly appearing with their parent socks nowhere in sight!

I've looked in all the familiar places - under the bed, under the couch, under the washer (they sneak under there sometimes). They are nowhere to be found.

Is there some sort of sinister sock conspiracy going on? My family swears they go in the wash as a pair, but come on, they can't magically disapper between laundry basket, washer and dryer. The family wants to blame me, but I am innocent.

If I disappear, I'm thinking a sock monster will be to blame . . .

1 comment:

Tonia said...

You can come rifle through my lonely sock basket and see if any of yours have wandered into my laundry room. Sometimes there are actually mismatched socks that aren't even from my house, so it could happen.